Outdoor Kids in an Inside World: Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature image number 0
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Outdoor Kids in an Inside World: Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature image number 1
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Outdoor Kids in an Inside World: Getting Your Family Out of the House and Radically Engaged with Nature

5 out of 5 Customer Rating
Price reduced from $26.00 USD to $19.50 USD
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New York Times Best Seller

In an era of devices, remote learning, and instantly downloadable entertainment, the comforts of technology monopolize more of our children’s time than ever before – putting in jeopardy their ability to engage with the natural world, as well as their mental and physical health. The average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors, and kids are no exception.

Outdoor Kids in an Inside World is the essential resource for any parent looking to immerse their children in the outdoors – or let’s face it, simply getting them off their devices and out of the house for a few more minutes each day.