Forget having to break your cart into multiple orders while hoping that all of your gear will be in stock once your funds come through. We’ve partnered up with Affirm to give you a unique way to pay for all their gear now. With Affirm, you can pick up everything today and pay for it as you go (with rates as low as 0% APR), making sure you’ve got everything needed to make this year a success.
What is Affirm? Affirm is a vetted company that provides affordable, third-party financing on consumer goods. Through Affirm, there are multiple financing options on all MeatEater brand orders over $50 (excluding shipping & taxes). Financing options are subject to eligibility check and approval.
What are my financing options?
Depending on your order total, you have multiple interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing financing options.
+ Orders $50-$250 - Pay in 4 installments every 2 weeks at 0% APR
+ Orders $200-$699.99 - 3 months 0% APR | 6 months Interest-Bearing rate | 12 months Interest-Bearing rates
+ Orders $700-$1,699.99 - 3 months 0% APR | 12 months Interest-Bearing rates | 18 months Interest-Bearing rates
+ Orders $1,700+ - 3 months as low as 0% APR | 12 months Interest-Bearing rate | 24 months Interest-Bearing rates
Rates from 0–36% APR. For example, a $800 purchase might cost $72.21/mo over 12 months at 15% APR. Payment options through Affirm are subject to an eligibility check and are provided by these lending partners: Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. CA residents: Loans by Affirm Loan Services, LLC are made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license. For licenses and disclosures, see